• Children's Author Sandi Smith


April 10, 2016


At the bottom of a very beautiful mountain,
a quaint town is nestled by an ocean so blue.
It is such a lovely little town to visit,
and the town is famous for sweet potato stew.

The name of this little town is Friendlimore,
and the people in the town live up to its name.
They start every day with a smile on their face,
and at night they end it exactly the same.

Most of the people in this special little town,
have lived here for most of their lives.
The residents are always friendly to each other,
and when they meet, they give each other high-fives!

No one ever wants to leave this little village,
as they help each other when they are in need.
Each person has a special talent to share,
and they are all so very happy indeed!

Agnes Weatherbee is one of the residents,
and she has lived in this town for a long time.
She owns a cute little candy shop on Main Street,
and kids can buy two pieces of candy for a dime.

Agnes loves having her own little candy store,
and not having to hurry to work every day.
She opens her store whenever she is ready,
and she knows this is where she will always stay.

Agnes Weatherbee is a quiet and shy person,
who doesn’t want to bother any one at all.
She smiles and says good morning to everyone,
which makes her feel about ninety feet tall.

If you saw a group of people standing around,
and Agnes Weatherbee was somewhere in the crowd.
You would never even notice her standing there,
because she is very quiet, and never, ever loud.

But Agnes Weatherbee is a very special character,
and she is as sweet as the candy she sells.
Her hair is a bright, bright color of red,
and she walks around carrying a large silver bell.

This bell is very special to Agnes Weatherbee,
as her parents gave it to her when she was eight.
She carries the bell with her wherever she goes,
and she has rung that bell in every single state.

Now that is enough about Agnes Weatherbee,
you will hear more about her as the story is told.
Let’s now take a look at the town of Friendlimore,
and check out Mayor Henry who has become very bold.

Once a week, Mayor Henry holds a meeting,
to talk about things and how the town should grow.
His eyes shine like diamonds when he talks,
and he wants to make a lot of that green dough.

Mayor Henry wants this sweet little town to grow,
and he wants it to grow as fast as can be.
He wants to shut down every store on Main Street,
and have everyone in town work in his new factory.

Unfortunately, Mayor Henry has friends on the outside,
who want to bring their special factory into this town.
Mayor Henry will make a lot of money from the factory,
but when the town votes “no”, he gets a deep frown.

Mayor Henry’s frown lines get deeper every day,
and the townspeople are starting to notice the lines.
The mayor no longer smiles to his friends as he walks by,
but keeps grumbling loudly that “This Town is All Mine!!”.

The townspeople don’t know what to say to the mayor,
other than they don’t want this new factory at all.
They feel very badly that the mayor doesn’t like this,
but all of the townspeople want to keep the town small.

The mayor called a special meeting one evening,
and handed out papers for everyone to sign.
The paper had large words that they didn’t understand,
but the mayor said, “Don’t worry, just sign on the line.”

The mayor lied, telling them it was for a zoo,
that he thought the town would like to own.
There would be a monkey, a tiger, and a giraffe,
and a large elephant whose name was Joan.

Everyone in town thought that this was splendid,
and they all signed the paper without delay.
One week later when they awoke one morning,
half of their beautiful town had been cleared away.

The mayor had everything torn down on Main Street,
to make room for the new factory being built.
Everyone was so angry that he had lied to them,
but the mayor continued building without any guilt.

The company building the very large factory,
cleared out half of the forest to put in a parking lot.
They put in noisy motors that would run all day long,
and in the middle of the town was a very large pot.

This very special, large pot is called a Krankel,
and is known to make the best banana cream pies.
Now the town of Friendlimore smells like bananas,
and everyone in town keeps asking the mayor “why?”.

These aren’t your usual banana cream pies,
because they are unbelievably, stupendously large.
Each pie is twenty feet long and ten feet high,
and has to be shipped out on a seafaring barge.

But the mayor doesn’t have time to talk to his friends,
as he wants to build a mansion on the side of the hill.
He wants to live with diamonds and gold-trimmed walls,
and all of the townspeople have to pay all of his bills.

The mayor has hurt so many of his old dear friends,
and he has changed their lives in this sweet little town.
All Mayor Henry wants is to be really, really rich,
and a creepy little smile has replaced his deep frown.

Something terrible has taken over the mayor.
Something that makes his face twist up very tight.
He makes everyone work long hours in the factory,
and he keeps the factory open day and night.

The loud noises coming from the pie factory,
are keeping everyone in town wide awake.
The people are getting angry and very tired,
and aren’t sure how much more they can take.

The people keep working and working all week,
but they never smile or dance anymore.
They just do what the mean old mayor tells them,
and they work hard doing every single chore.

Bob Matthews who is eighty-nine years old,
gathered the people to fight for their rights.
But when the mayor caught them all talking,
he locked up Bob Matthews for four whole nights.

One day, when Mayor Henry took a long trip,
Penelope Martin held a meeting at her house.
She wanted everyone to come up with ideas,
of how to get rid of the mayor, the louse.

Pippi Poindexter wants to paint the mayor yellow,
and have him dress like a banana sitting in a tree.
She wants him to eat banana cream pies all day long,
with a sign saying “I’m Sorry” for everyone to see.

Michael Bindler had a completely different idea,
because he wants the mayor to go far away.
He wants to send him to another country,
and that is where the mayor would have to stay.

Shy Agnes Weatherbee cleared her throat,
and told everyone they should just calm down.
She thought they should think things over,
and find a more reasonable way to save the town.

That night they all decided together,
to work hard and do what the mayor said.
They knew someday something would happen,
and he would be back working for them instead.

So every day they get up and go to work,
and every day they look for a miracle to come.
They all take turns running the Krankel machine,
because that is where all the pies come from.

They know in their hearts that at any moment,
their beautiful little town will be theirs once more.
They will do whatever is necessary now,
be it run a machine or sweep down every floor.

Agnes Weatherbee was in a very big hurry,
as the rain was starting to fall from the sky.
Today was her turn to run the Krankel machine,
which would pop out eighty banana cream pies.

Before the pie factory came into their town,
everyone was kind and peaceful as could be.
Now everyone yells angrily at one another,
and they wish they had never seen this pie factory.

If the mayor catches you resting or sitting,
he has the new sheriff throw you directly into jail.
Why, last week the mayor jailed his own mother,
and through the jail’s window you could hear her wail.

So Agnes hurried, even though it was raining,
and she slipped on the wet ground once or twice.
Her glasses kept fogging up from the rain,
and her fingers and face were as cold as ice.

The rain started coming down at a faster pace,
and her hat flew into the air off of her head.
She stepped into a hole filled with water,
and she wished she were home tucked tightly in bed.

The lights at Main Street didn’t seem to be working,
and she waited five minutes for cars to pass by.
When a pigeon decided he would sit on her head,
Agnes Weatherbee was certain that she would cry.

Agnes stood at the corner with the pigeon on her head,
and she waited there with her head held very high.
She stood there when a speeding car hit a big puddle,
which sent a large wall of water directly into her eyes.

Her eyeglasses were all covered with mud,
and she could hardly see which way to go.
She stepped into the street to take a chance,
but stopped when she heard a car’s horn blow.

When the pigeon left Agnes Weatherbee’s head,
he left a little “gift” as he flew away.
He dropped his “present” directly on her nose,
and Agnes’s blood started to boil on that day.

She put her hands out to stop the traffic,
and she started to ring her lovely silver bell.
Cars stopped when they saw Agnes’s face,
and when they heard little Agnes start to yell.

Agnes Weatherbee had reached her limit,
of how much she would be pushed around.
She wanted things to go back to normal,
and she missed her beautiful little sweet town.

Agnes missed her lovely little candy store,
and was tired of sitting, not knowing what to do.
She was tired of being afraid of the mayor,
and she was tired of smelling bananas in her shoes.

Agnes headed for the Krankel machine,
as she cleaned the pigeon’s “present” off of her nose.
She knew that someone had to do something,
and then Agnes Weatherbee ‘s spirits rose.

She turned the Krankel up to super-duper high,
and then ran around the factory ringing her bell.
She told everyone to get out immediately,
and very loudly Agnes Weatherbee did yell.

The Krankel started to shake and moan loudly,
and the floor underneath Agnes started to shake.
She could hear people running for their lives,
because they thought there was a large earthquake.

But no earthquake was causing this shaking,
and Agnes knew exactly what had to be done.
She hit the emergency button to release the pudding,
which warned everyone in the building to run.

The whole town stood on the side of the mountain,
and watched in wonder to what they saw below.
There was a large yellow bubble coming from the factory,
and they knew that any minute the pudding would blow.

With a roar that would come out of a large lion,
the pudding popped through the factory’s top.
There was a large bubbling, whining sound,
and then all of a sudden, all of the noises just stopped.

For a minute, everyone stood there in silence,
and they wondered what would happen now.
They would find out in the very next second,
as the whole factory blew apart…kapow!!

What they didn’t know was that Mayor Henry,
had been sitting in his office that afternoon.
He was blown completely out of the factory,
and they say he headed directly towards the moon.

They say what goes up must come back down,
and everything landed on the seafaring barge below.
First came the piecrust, and then the pudding,
and lots of whipped cream completed the show.

As the townspeople stood with mouths wide open,
something bright red was flying through the sky.
A maraschino cherry the size of a dump truck,
landed on top of the large banana cream pie.

As if that was not enough to entertain them,
something else was falling at a very fast pace.
It was the mayor covered with banana pudding,
and he landed “splatt” into the pie with his face.

Then the whole crowd of people gasped,
as a silver object came flying down from the sky.
It was Agnes Weatherbee’s beautiful silver bell,
that hit the mayor in the head, making him cry.

The barge started sailing off into the sunset,
with the mayor and the giant pie both on board.
Watching the mayor sail away from their town,
was a most wonderful, well-earned reward.

Agnes Weatherbee got her lovely candy store back,
and she is very happy, except for one thing.
She misses her silver bell that her parents gave her,
and all of the joy that the silver bell used to bring.

One day Jimmie Darby was walking by the lake,
and saw something shiny sticking out of the sand.
He walked over to look at the shiny object,
and there was Agnes Weatherbee’s bell so grand.

Jimmie Darby ran into town ringing that bell,
and he rang that bell as loudly as he could.
The townspeople gathered and clapped their hands,
and outside of Agnes Weatherbee’s store they stood.

Agnes looked outside her window and saw the crowd,
and she opened the door to take a look outside.
All of a sudden she heard the most marvelous sound,
then Jimmie Darby handed her the bell with great pride.

After that, Mayor Henry’s wife held a meeting,
as she didn’t like what her husband had become.
She loved this small town and wanted it back,
and she knew how they could all get it done.

She handed over all of the gold in her mansion,
and held a barbeque with potatoes and steak.
She said she never wanted to eat a pie again,
and from now on she would only eat cake.

With all of the money the town got from the gold,
they cleaned up the town and painted it blue.
They never wanted to see or taste a banana again,
except the ones they fed the monkey in their zoo.

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